In the golden autumn, SCIE BPC and four A1 students with experiences of participating in business and economics competitions held an information session. Four seniors introduced different business and economics competitions to fellow students and shared their experiences in participating in major business competitions such as FBLA and MEC. Sweat, tears, failure, success, have become valuable experiences, which will guide fellow students to try out future competitions!
Junior fellow students regarded this information session as SCIE’s culture of supporting younger students. No matter it was freshman year students or passionate students who had not participated in any business competition in the past, everyone was impressed by the selfless dedication of the senior students. The final Q&A session is to improve the relationship between the speaker and the listener. The listeners raised their hands to ask questions actively; the senior answered each question with sufficient patience. Questions followed by answers, answers followed by questions, the vibe was relaxing and chill. No one thought of leaving.
After that, the senior students also sent the electronic version of economic and business books they had recommended to the WeChat group for everyone to read. Knowledge is the medium, and the emotional inheritance of the students is the eternal theme!
Basic Categories of Business and Economics Competition:
- Academic Competition
- Entrepreneur Competition
- Investment Competition
- Essay & Research Competition
Reasons for entering the business Competition:
- Explore your interests
- Acquire advanced knowledge
- Exercise various abilities
How to choose the right business competition for you
- Based on your interests
- Based on the difficulty (easiness of wining prizes) and popularity of the competition
- Based on academic requirements
- Based on the amount of available time
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The International Olympique Economic Competition, which mainly assesses economic and business knowledge
Competition process:
-Preliminary: Multiple Choice
Multiple choice
Structure questions
Business case study
Channels for preparation
-Outline provided by the official website
-YouTube videos (highly recommend Clifford)
-Learn AP&A Level, etc.
Nobel Prize Winner and Finance section
The time for business case analysis is tight, so teamwork is required & teammates with advanced knowledge in mathematics, and multiple rehearsals are required.
Overall Difficulty
The overall academic difficulty of IEO is above average. IEO is suitable for students from all grades of high school.
— Shelly
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high-value business competition, which simulates the real entrepreneurial environment and provides students with systematic and academic professional guidance
Competition Process
Preliminary: Business plan
Business proposal
Promotional Video & Roadshow Video
Channels for preparation
https://mecompetition.org/zh-cn/outline and other details about the competition provided by the official website, entrepreneur-related reading, YouTube & bilibili videos.
Plan and talk over the tasks in advance, check the proposal & video samples on the official website, and fully prepare for the Q&A session
Overall Difficulty
The overall difficulty of MEC is high, and MEC takes about 8 months. Planning and scheduling the tasks will help you succeed.
— Florence
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high-value business competition, simulating the operation of investment team. Students need to find their own tutor.
Competition process
- Do research on the company the stock belongs to
- Determine the set of investments
- Complete the investment report
Channels for preparation
guide provided by the official website, YouTube, Investopedia and other websites, Investment TENTH Edition.
Find an experienced tutor, get professional advices, and learn investment theory on your own
Overall difficulty
Wharton Investment Competition is extremely challenging, with only 50 teams from all over the world entering the final round, and it takes half a year to participate. You should think over all aspects of this competition before you enter it. Remember to cooperate actively with your team members. It is better if the tutor has relevant experiences.
— Simon
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The FBLA Future Business Leaders Competition is one of the largest student career development organizations and business literacy education organizations in the world. It is also the most influential business competition in U.S. high schools
Competition process
Preliminary Test
- Content
1 business subject (International business, marketing) + economics
- Format
100 MCQ questions in 1 hour
Most testing content is from Official Guide ( very useful!! )
National Round
- Objective Test: 100 MCQ questions
- Read through OG
- Practice under time limit
Case analysis: Presentation
- Link to the case
- Use terminology
- Role play
Open events: Individual MCQ tests
- No need for preparation in advance
- Read the question before looking for answer in the materials
Channels for preparation
- Read the Official Guide to prepare for multiple choice questions
- Go to Investopedia.com to look up concepts
- Go through case studies used in past competitions
Each member of the team should prepare for certain topics, focusing on the topics that you are in charge of; go through the wrong multiple choice questions to consolidate your knowledge.
Overall difficulty
The contents of FBLA business competition coincide with the economics and business courses we learn from school, so the preparation of FBLA can also assist the learning of school curriculum.
— Yawen
Previous sharing sessions
Writing|Trinity Sharon Yawen Simon Shelly Florence
Design|Florence Yawen Nicole
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